Skype preview can now make free phone calls to Ukraine

The latest update to Skype preview makes it easier to stay in touch with people in Ukraine.

What you need to know

  • Microsoft recently shipped several features for Skype preview that are part of the company's Ukraine-centric efforts.
  • The latest Insider build of Skype can make free phone calls to Ukraine and translate calls to and from Ukrainian.
  • Skype also has "Support Ukraine" emoticons, including a heart inspired by the Ukrainian flag.

Microsoft is working to make it easier to communicate with people in Ukraine. The latest Insider build of Skype includes several features that are part of Microsoft's Ukraine-centric efforts, including the ability to make free phone calls to Ukraine. The update also adds support for translating phone calls to and from Ukrainian. Skype preview gains several "Support Ukraine" emoticons following the update as well.

Here's the changelog for the latest Insider build of Skype:

Ukraine centric efforts:

  • Make free phone calls to Ukraine: on all platforms. Stay connected by calling from/to Ukraine for free. To help further, we support Ukraine through the non-profit organizations listed on the Skype Home Page, and you can as well.
  • Support for more languages in Translated Conversations: on all platforms. Translate your Skype and phone calls from/to the Ukrainian language.
  • "Support Ukraine" emoticons: on all platforms. (ukraineheart) (ukrainehandshake) (ukrainepray)

  • Google Play In-App Billing System: on Android. To purchase Credit, Subscriptions and Skype Numbers.

  • Bug fixes and stability improvements

In addition to the Ukraine-focused features, the update adds support for the Google Play In-App billing system, which lets people pay for subscriptions directly within the app.

Microsoft has taken several steps that focus on the ongoing war in Ukraine. The company's president, Brad Smith, discussed fighting cyberattacks and disinformation back in February. Microsoft also suspended new sales of its products and services in Russia earlier this month.

Skype Insider Preview

Free at Microsoft

You can test upcoming features for Skype through the Skype Insider Program. The link above has shortcuts to download the app for Windows, Android, iOS, and more.

Skype preview can now make free phone calls to Ukraine Skype preview can now make free phone calls to Ukraine Reviewed by admin on March 14, 2022 Rating: 5

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