Set up your game station with the best gaming desks out there

Have you ever wondered what sets the pros apart from the amateurs when it comes to gaming? Well, the answer is simple. It's their setup. Trying to compete with intense gamers while using a mediocre desk will definitely establish your online reputation as a noob. Our best overall pick for a gaming desk that checks all of the boxes is the Walker Edison L-shaped corner gaming desk. It is fully designed to be customized to improve gaming abilities. It also accommodates multiple monitors. Check out this list of our favorites when it comes to the best gaming desks.

Best overall: Walker Edison L-shaped corner gaming desk

This Walker Edison desk is an awesome desk for an affordable price. This desk has an expensive-looking and slick design that is perfect for making you feel like you're in the gaming big leagues. It is made out of tempered glass and has a shiny, polished finish. Its frame is made from sturdy steel and is finished with a powder coat. This Walker Edison desk keeps your legs free and happy by offering quite a bit of space to stretch out. Some of the cool features unique to this gaming desk are the keyboard tray and CPU stand. It provides an ample workspace and can support multiple monitors and game consoles.

Assembly for this desk is quite easy and customizable. It measures 51 x 51 x 29 inches and comes in three pieces. If you have a smaller space, you can leave out the corner piece when putting your desk together to make it fit in your room. You can also keep the two side pieces separate, giving yourself two smaller desks if that's what you want. However, if you have room and need the surface space for extra monitors or game consoles, adding the corner piece gives your desk that L-shape. It's that simple.


  • Can customize shape to maximize space in the room
  • Sleek design
  • CPU stand included
  • Easy, flexible assembly


  • Keyboard tray is small
  • Cable management is tricky
  • Glass shows scratches from underneath

Best overall

Walker Edison L-shaped corner gaming desk

Tempered glass design with a customizable shape

This tempered-glass desk features three sections, creating an L-shape design that can be removed and adjusted to fit your room.

Best L-shaped: Casaottima L-shaped gaming desk

If you're a hardcore gamer, then the Casaottima L-shaped gaming desk is the one for you. Measuring 51 x 18 x 30.4 inches on each side, this gaming center can accommodate up to three different monitors. One side of this desk features a monitor shelf, which frees up ample space for your keyboard, mouse, and more. The monitor shelf can be moved around to accommodate your gaming needs.

This durable gaming desk's frame is made from heavy-duty materials, ensuring it withstands daily use for long periods. Although some customers mention that it can be difficult to assemble this gaming desk, the included instructions, tools, and hardware make it possible to put it together in as little as 30 minutes.

This L-shaped gaming desk is available in multiple sizes and color options, ensuring you get the right fit and style for your gaming space.


  • Features an L-shape design
  • Room for up to three monitors
  • Affordable for what you get
  • Adjustable monitor shelf
  • Comes with tools and hardware for assembly


  • Can be difficult to assemble

Best L-shaped

Casaottima L-shaped gaming desk with monitor stand

Adjustable monitor shelf

This L-shape desk comes with a monitor shelf that can be conveniently adjusted at will.

Best aesthetics: Arozzi Arena gaming desk

The Arozzi Arena gaming desk is just that, an arena. Arozzi's Swedish design team designed it for serious gamers and intense esports players. The desk comes in five bright and unique colors that could motivate any player to go the distance. The desk's surface measurement is an impressive 5 feet, 3 inches, which gives you plenty of room for your monitors and consoles. You can fit up to three monitors on the desk and still have more than enough room to game out.

The tabletop features a microfiber cloth covering that is water-resistant and machine washable. This cloth makes maneuvering your mouse a breeze from anywhere on the surface. It has a non-slip grip and weighs about 7 pounds, so you don't have to worry about the cloth moving around while you're in the zone. Just a note, the fabric initially arrives a little larger than the desktop. This is because it eventually shrinks into the perfect size after it is unpacked.

There are three cut-outs on this desk to give you the ability to slide wires and cables down and out of the way easily. You can rest them in the netting under the desk to keep the wires away from your feet as well. Adjusting the height of this desk is extremely easy. Just loosen the screws, adjust the height, tighten the screws, and you're ready to go.


  • Large microfiber cloth and mousepad
  • Room for multiple monitors and game consoles
  • Height easily adjustable
  • Covered in microfiber cloth


  • Mousepad fabric arrives slightly larger than desk

Best aesthetics

Arozzi Arena gaming desk — red

Large surface area for multiple screens and consoles

This desk features a machine-washable microfiber cloth that allows you to use your mouse from anywhere on its surface easily.

Best for versatility: Eureka Ergonomic Z2 gaming desk

If you're looking for an extremely versatile gaming desk, the Z-shaped Eureka Ergonomic gaming desk is an excellent choice. With this unit measuring 50.71 x 26.97 x 30.91 inches, you can enjoy gaming out on a large wide-screen monitor. The two built-in mousepads on the incline keyboard and the mouse area allow you to get comfortable as you switch positions during play.

This ergonomic gaming desk comes equipped with a designated slot for your mobile phone, so you can stay in the loop with your group chats while gaming. The built-in retractable gear holders make storing your headset and beverages safe and easy. Place your drink inside the allotted space, and you won't have to worry about spilling anything on your expensive equipment when you're deep in battle.

If you want to get hyped, the Eureka Ergonomic Z2 gaming desk features LED lights along with its frame. Choose between a single-colored or multi-colored light show while you're gaming. The surface of this desk is made from carbon fiber that is smooth, strong, and resilient. However, some customers mention that it has a slight plastic vibe to it.


  • Equipped with two mousepad sections
  • Features LED lights
  • Has a built-in drink holder
  • Built-in mousepads


  • Looks slightly plastic

Best for versatility

Eureka Ergonomic Z2 gaming desk

Z-shaped desk with dual mousepads

This Z-shaped gaming desk features dual mousepads, storage compartments, as well as brilliant LED lights.

Best for comfort: Couchmaster Cycon couch gaming desk

If your biggest concern is comfort while you're gaming, then the Couchmaster Cycon is made for you. With this lap desk, you have the freedom to sit in your most comfortable spot while still having all the tabletop space you need to lose yourself in the gaming world. The desk is made from leather with microfiber for added comfort. The included storage space is a great place to tuck your cords and other trinkets to free up your surface area.

The ergonomic design helps reduce the strain on your back and neck since you don't have to hunch over your tabletop. You can comfortably sit in a seated position and instead maneuver your desk to match your posture. The large cushions on either side of the Couchmaster Cycon desk offer support for your arms and help reduce stress on your shoulder muscles during those long gaming sessions.

Connect up to four input devices, including a mouse, keyboard, and headset, through the integrated USB 3.0 hub. The desk doesn't require an additional power supply as it runs on the latest chip technology. The Couchmaster comes with an active USB cable that easily connects the desk to your PC or console.


  • Portable and comfortable
  • Ergonomically correct
  • Included pockets and storage space
  • Can connect with up to four devices


  • Not a full desk

Best for comfort

Couchmaster Cycon couch gaming desk

Maximizes your comfort while maintaining good posture

The extremely comfortable and portable gaming desk reduces stress on your muscles with its ergonomic design.

Bottom line

Whether you're an esports professional or an amateur who just bought your first game, having the right desk is key to your success. From an adjustable frame to mousepads that span the length of your tabletop, these gaming desks have been specifically designed with your success in mind. Figure out your gaming needs, and then find a specially made desk to cater to those needs. Having the right desk to match your gaming chair will elevate your skills and make you someone to look out for in the gaming world.

The Walker Edison L-shaped corner gaming desk comes equipped with well-thought-out features and accessories to elevate your gaming experience. Have everything you need to immerse yourself in your virtual world at just an arm's length away. Figuring out your gaming priorities and then matching a desk to your needs is the best way to purchase your new gaming setup. Your setup can make the difference between an average gamer and a great gamer.

Credits — The team that worked on this guide

Camille Sanghera is a freelance writer who loves using the power of words to give individuals and objects a voice. When she is not content writing, you can find her running trails with her dogs, writing fiction, and self-help books. Follow her on Instagram.

Set up your game station with the best gaming desks out there Set up your game station with the best gaming desks out there Reviewed by admin on March 13, 2022 Rating: 5

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